May 2021

Pervert caught by paedophile hunting team

A pervert from Kent that was caught grooming what he believed was a vulnerable schoolgirl has avoided a prison sentence

Christopher Hearsey From Maidstone appeared at Maidstone Crown where he was sentenced following a guilty plea for sexual offences. 

The court was told that Hearsey had contacted the online profile of a 13-year-old female child.

He sent a number of highly sexualised messages and naked images of himself with the clear intent of engaging the girl in sexual activity. 

The pervert arranged to meet the girl in 2019, so he could take her swimming and have dinner. 

However, unknown to Hearsey, he was actually messaging a decoy belonging to paedophile hunting group Shadow Hunters UK

When Heresey turned up at the meeting place, he was apprehended by members of the team, who questioned him on his internet activity before the police arrived to make the arrest. 

The judge handed Heresey a two year prison sentence which was suspended for two years.

Heresey was told to register as a sex offender, and was given a sexual harm prevention order which is designed to limit his access to children.