October 2010

Jailed for child sexual abuse photos

A man shopped by his girlfriend after downloading thousands of child porn films and pictures has been jailed for eight months.

Keith Mills, of Old Winton Road, Andover, appeared at Winchester Crown Court on Friday to be sentenced for seven counts of making indecent images of children. He had earlier pleaded guilty to all charges.

The court heard that his girlfriend alerted police on 11 October, 2009, when she found the images on his laptop.

Prosecuting Edward Phillips said: “The partner of the defendant went to the computer in the house which they shared and soon she discovered images that she found quite horrifying.”

Four of the films were categorised as level five, the most serious form of child pornography, and two of these featured an 11-year-old boy.

Defending Mark Sullivan told the court that Mills was ashamed of his behaviour.

He said: “He is a man of previous good character, he was in a relationship at the time and is described as shy.

“He is anxious that this doesn’t happen again and is anxious to find out what has caused him to do this – it would be difficult to find someone who is more remorseful for what has happened.

“He is genuinely ashamed and genuinely and sincerely sorry for what has happened – he does have insight into the harm this type of activity causes.”

Judge Guy Boney told Mills: “As we all know these are not victimless crimes as the victim is the boy (in the film) and it’s people like the defendant that provide the market for it.”

Sentencing Mills to 12 months imprisonment, reduced to eight months for his early guilty plea, Mr Boney said: “I accept that you are deeply remorseful.

“You are a man of good character and I bear in mind that when these matters came to light you sought outside help and have continued with it.

“I realise this will not be an easy sentence to serve but there has to be a sentence.”