April 2013

Child rapist Leo Gordon sentenced to 18-years in prison


A CHILD rapist is today beginning an 18-year jail term after he was convicted of a string of “horrific” sex offences against two young girls.

Leo Gordon, of Morland Road, Ipswich, was sentenced yesterday after a jury at Norwich Crown Court found him guilty of ten charges.

The 34-year-old had denied six offences of rape relating to a female child, two sex assaults on a girl and two offences of assault on a child.

During yesterday’s hearing the court was told Gordon had admitted two further charges of rape relating to a child, when he appeared at Ipswich Crown Court on May 11 last year.

Sentencing Gordon, Judge Mark Lucraft said: “This is a pretty horrific case and the facts are even more horrendous.

“You are someone who is keen to avoid the consequences of what you did.”

Judge Lucraft said Gordon’s crimes had left a “deep impact” on his victims – two girls under the age of 14.

Gordon was sentenced to 18 years for each count of rape, four years for each count of sexual assault and six years for the two charges of assault on a child. He was also sentenced to 12 years for the two rape charges he had previously admitted at Ipswich Crown Court.

The sentences will run concurrently, meaning Gordon will serve a total of 18 years – half in custody and half on licence.

He was also made subject to an indefinite Sexual Offence Prevention Order, a restraining order, and a disqualification order.

Suffolk police Detective Constable Kay Laney, who was the officer in the case, said: “We are pleased to see that such a lengthy sentence was handed to Mr Gordon.

“This was a very serious case and the sentence sends out a strong message that if you commit offences of this nature you will face a considerable time behind bars.”

February 2013

Child rapist faces prison after guilty verdict on 10 charges

A 34-YEAR-old man is today facing a lengthy prison term after being convicted of eight child sex offences including six rapes.

A jury at Norwich Crown Court found Leo Gordon, of Morland Road, Ipswich, guilty of 10 charges in total.

The verdicts came after a trial lasting two weeks.

Gordon was found guilty of a total of six offences of rape relating to a female child.

He was also convicted of two sex assaults on a girl.

In addition, the jury returned further guilty verdicts relating to two offences of assault on a child. One of these offences occurred in 2008, the other in 2009.

Gordon was remanded in custody following the end of his trial.

His sentencing was adjourned for around two months.

It is scheduled to take place sometime in, or after, the week commencing April 8

Gordon was arrested on February 16 last year following a complaint being made to police.

He was taken to the police investigation centre at Suffolk Constabulary’s Martlesham headquarters for questioning.

Gordon was subsequently released on bail pending further inquiries by detectives.

Eleven days after his arrest he was originally charged with three offences of raping a girl, and another of assaulting a girl by penetration.

Subsequently additional charges were laid against Gordon.

All the offences are understood to have happened in Ipswich.

Gordon’s first court appearance was before South East Suffolk Magistrates in Ipswich on December 13.

Due to the seriousness of the offences the case was subsequently committed to crown court, before being transferred to Norwich.