October 2017

Retired civil servant jailed for 19 years for ‘perverted abuse of young girl’

A RETIRED civil servant has been jailed for 19 years for the ‘perverted’ abuse of a vulnerable young girl.
John Ball lived a life of apparent respectability and the truth about his repeated sexual assaults did not come to light for more than a decade.
He was jailed for 19 years after a Judge heard how the abuse had a profound effect on the victim, who was aged just four when it began.
Ball, aged 65, of Compton Close, Taunton, denied two counts of child rape, eight of indecent assault, and one of sexual activity with a child but was found guilty of all the offences by a jury at Taunton Crown Court last month.
He was jailed for 19 years with a one year extended licence, and ordered to sign on the sex offenders register for life by Judge Erik Salomonsen, sitting at Exeter Crown Court.
He told him:”You abused this girl repeatedly for your own sexual gratification, often when you had been drinking. She described graphically the smell of alcohol.
“You told her that this is what little girls do, and she knew no better. You acknowledge you are a strong adult and describe yourself as a leader not a follower. You are an assertive man.
“The victim could not bring herself to make disclosures, even when she was older and realised what you were doing was abhorrent and wrong.
“This has clearly had a psychological impact on her. Your plea of not guilty meant she was put to proof in the witness box and made to relive her experiences. 
“You said her allegations were false. Nothing could have been further from the truth, As is the case in many cases involving a controlling male, the victim will say nothing for years. 
“She was particularly vulnerable. Her victim impact statement says the abuse has changed her because it happened at a time when her cognitive functions were developing.”